Palaform Ltd is a family owned business that is based in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. We operate our business on a part-time cottage industry basis.
It all started off as a hobby in 1990, with several experimental models being manufactured one after the other. With each model, performance and design had been improved, finally settling on Mk6 (I.C.Gemini) in 2001. A model aircraft engine was used to power the early prototype hovercrafts. A very useful source of information was a build manual by Jeremy Kemp called Hovercraft: The Constructor’s Guide available from The Hover Club of Great Britain Ltd which I purchased in 1994. I still have this copy today and quite often refer to it, even though many things may have changed over time.
Palaform ltd was set up in Oct 2003 to offer r/c model hovercrafts kits to the public. With the help of S. Ramjee, we bought a domain name, set-up a Website and went live in a matter of weeks. During the early years we offered just the one version called the Gemini in either a self-built kit or as a working model. Since then we have continued to design, develop and release new models almost every two years
We now have 7 R/c model hovercrafts available in our range, six of which are electrically powered and the original I.C. Gemini craft powered by a model aircraft engine (0.19 to"). The main attraction for our products is that they are high performance crafts that are fully amphibious, able to tackle water, hard surfaces and in some cases tackle short grass. Some models are designed loosely based on F1 full size racing craft as used by members of the Hovercraft Club of GB ( and are ideal for racing amongst friends and club members.
We design and manufacture our own Vacuum forming tools in house. The tools are then passed onto a very experienced local suppliers based in Northampton who vacuum form parts using our tools. Elaine who is a very experienced machinist based in Wellingborough makes all our skirts. She has been part of our business since 1999. All our stickers/decals are designed and manufactured in Wellingborough and/or Kettering. Finally the packaging is sourced from Rushden or Earls Barton. Our aim is to use local suppliers for all our manufactured parts to within a radius of 15 miles. This helps us to deal directly with our suppliers and ensure that the quality of parts manufactured is maintained.
Our aim is to provide you with a full range of model hovercraft products. Provide technical support by offering you help in selecting the right model and accessories to build and operate your model hovercraft. Finally, to help promote and maintain an in interest in model hovercraft building through events organised by the Model Hovercraft Association ( and Palaform Ltd. One day, we will all be hovering……